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Mission of Office of Veteran’s Services

The mission of the Delaware Office of Veterans Services (OVS), an agency of the Delaware Department of State, is to support veterans living in the First State and their families. OVS assists with access to services and benefits that veterans have earned through their military service, including disability compensation, employment, supportive housing and/or housing assistance, and more.

OVS advises and assists policymakers and agencies across state government in matters that pertain to Delaware veterans and their families. Our office also provides administrative support to the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs (DCVA).

OVS also administers and maintains Delaware’s two Veterans Memorial Cemeteries, located in Bear and Millsboro.

Please feel free to call our office at (302) 739-2792, In-State Toll Free (800) 344-9900 or e-mail our office if you have any questions, concerns or would like to make suggestions to improve our services to you. Visit our Contact page.

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