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Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States, their spouses and dependent children (under 21 years of age and not married or having a verifiable life-long dependency on eligible Veteran) may be interred at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemeteries. Eligibility requirements are prescribed by the National Cemetery Administration and Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs and the following criteria constitute eligibility:
1. Any Delaware resident who was honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States, other than active duty for training (ADT), or reservist who have served more than 180 days of active federal service. Federal active military service does not have to be consecutive.
2. The Veteran’s spouse, upon pre-qualification of eligible Veteran.
3. Legal resident of Delaware, means the Veteran must have been a:
3.a. Legal resident of Delaware at the time of death; or
3.b. Legal resident for a period of 3 or more years (does not have to be consecutive); any cumulative period of 3 or more years, regardless of residency at time of death; or
3.c. Legal resident of Delaware when he or she entered the Armed Forces of the United States.
3.d. Any Delaware National Guardsman or Reservist who served on active duty (other than for training) for 180 days or more (does not have to be consecutive) and/or is eligible for Guard/Reserve retirement pay at age 60.
Related Topics: benefits, Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Office of Veteran's Services, OVA, services, veterans, vets